022 719 1030 022 709 7200 021 931 6129
“It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Jesus Christ, Luke17:2
die maak van ‘n afspraak daar is twee belangrike veranderings vanaf 2014: alle nuwe pasiente sal slegs afsprake kan kry NADAT ‘n deposito van R400 in ons bankrekening deponeer is en bewys van betaling met ons bevorder is. o die reeling word genoodsaak weens te veel pasiente wat afsprake maak en sonder kansellasies net nie opdaag nie - dit mors ons en ander pasiente se tyd. telefoniese mediese navrae en konsultasies op die noodnommer asook epos, smsse en mmsse met mediese navrae SAL as konsultasies hanteer word - ongeag lengte en aard - en tariewe sal gehef word teen R600 na gelang van die dokter se diskresie. o die reeling word genoodsaak weens ‘n toename in pasiente wat die noodnommer misbruik. in alle gevalle moet jy 022 713 5149 gedurende kantoor-ure skakel en die volgende inligting byderhand he: naam van ouer of voog naam en geboortedatum van pasient rede vir besoek [roetiene ondersoek, verkoue, inenting, adhd/aandagsgebreksindroom] o veral adhd is belangrik aangesien ons ‘n langer besoek daarvoor boek! mediese fonds naam en nommer, en is pasient reeds daarop registreer [pas-gebore babas is meesal nie] huis en werk telefoonnommers [ten minste een moet ‘n sel nommer wees] daar is verskeie maniere om by ons uit te kom: jou kind word deur jou algemene praktisyn na ons verwys vir ‘n toestand wat spesialis aandag verg. jy bring jou kind aangesien jy van mening is die toestand verg spesialis- aandag. onthou om 15 minute voor jou afspraak reeds by ons te wees ten einde alle papierwerk af te handel! vir ‘n noodafspraak skakel asb 022 713 5149 of 082 846 7046, ons sal ons bes probeer om jou te sien - indien nie by die spreekkamer nie, dan by die hospitaal! in ALLE gevalle moet die rekenpligtige [ouer of voog] se groen rsa id dokument of paspoort getoon word! making an appointment two important changes apply from 2014: all new patients will only get appointments AFTER a deposit of R400 is made into our bank account and proof of payment is forwarded to us. o this has been made necessary due to an increasing number of patients staying away without cancelling appointments - this is a waste of our as well as other patient’s time. telephone calls of a medical nature and telephonic consultations, including email, sms and mms messages of a medical nature WILL be treated as consultations and will be charged for at a rate of R600 or at the doctor’s discretion - notwithstanding the length and complexity of these calls. o this has been made necessary due to abuse of this number. in all cases you must call 022 713 5149 during office hours with the following information at hand: name of parent or guardian name and date of birth of patient reason for appointment [routine check-up, cold, inoculation, adhd/attention deficit hyperactive disorder] o especially important for adhd as we book for an extended consultation! medical aid name and number, and if the patient is registered on it [most new-born babies aren’t yet!] house and work telephone numbers [at least one must be a cellular number] there are different ways of getting to us: 1. your child is being referred to us by your general medical practitioner for an illness or situation calling for specialist attention. 2. you bring your child as you are of the opinion the situation calls for specialist attention. remember to arrive 15 minutes early in order to complete all formalities! for an emergency consultation please call 022 713 5149 or 082 846 7046, we will do our utmost to attend to your case - if not at the practice, then at the hospital! in ALL cases the person responsible for the account [parent or guardian] must produce their green rsa id document or passport! SADF/ SAW members ons is ‘n gemagtigde diensverskaffer aan lede van die SA Weermag (vir korrekte prosedure en verwysing kontak jou siekeboeg) We are an authorized service provider to members of the SA Defence Force (for the correct procedure and referral contact your sick bay) Verskafferskode/Suppliers Code V2MX3/April 2011
weskus pediatrie west coast paediatrics since 2010 dr hester van der walt spesialis/specialist kinderarts - paediatrician - pediater* 21 voortrekkerstraat, vredenburg, 7380 admin@pediater.co.za OUR STREET ADDRESS IS ALSO OUR POSTAL ADDRESS
consulting hours 09:00-17:00 during weekdays tel      022 713 5149 office hours no fax, email only! tel      082 846 7046  EMERGENCY ONLY!                   NO TELEPHONIC CONSULTATIONS!
for other emergency : life west coast private hospital vredenburg provincial hospital tygerberg poison centre
emergency paediatrician vredenburg dehydration diarrhoea ontwatering inentings | vaccinations chickenpox | waterpokkies nebulization | verstuiwing umbilical cord | naelstring penis & foreskin care SOEK IETS OP ONS WEBWERF SEARCH FOR SOMETHING ON OUR SITE constipation | hardlywigheid listless? moody? bedwetting? ANTI-VAXXERS ARE WELCOME!
“It were better for him hat a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Jesus Christ, Luke17:2
die maak van ‘n afspraak daar is twee belangrike veranderings vanaf 2014: alle nuwe pasiente sal slegs afsprake kan kry NADAT ‘n deposito van R400 in ons bankrekening deponeer is en bewys van betaling met ons bevorder is. o die reeling word genoodsaak weens te veel pasiente wat afsprake maak en sonder kansellasies net nie opdaag nie - dit mors ons en ander pasiente se tyd. telefoniese mediese navrae en konsultasies op die noodnommer asook epos, smsse en mmsse met mediese navrae SAL as konsultasies hanteer word - ongeag lengte en aard - en tariewe sal gehef word teen R600 of na gelang van die dokter se diskresie. o die reeling word genoodsaak weens ‘n toename in pasiente wat die noodnommer misbruik. in alle gevalle moet jy 022 713 5149  gedurende kantoor-ure skakel en die volgende inligting byderhand he: naam van ouer of voog naam en geboortedatum van pasient rede vir besoek [roetiene ondersoek, verkoue, inenting, adhd/aandagsgebreksindroom] o veral adhd is belangrik aangesien ons ‘n langer besoek daarvoor boek! mediese fonds naam en nommer, en is pasient reeds daarop registreer [pas-gebore babas is meesal nie] huis en werk telefoonnommers [ten minste een moet ‘n sel nommer wees] daar is verskeie maniere om by ons uit te kom: jou kind word deur jou algemene praktisyn na ons verwys vir ‘n toestand wat spesialis aandag verg. jy bring jou kind aangesien jy van mening is die toestand verg spesialis- aandag. onthou om 15 minute voor jou afspraak reeds by ons te wees ten einde alle papierwerk af te handel! vir ‘n noodafspraak skakel asb 022 713 5149 of 082 846 7046, ons sal ons bes probeer om jou te sien - indien nie by die spreekkamer nie, dan by die hospitaal! in ALLE gevalle moet die rekenpligtige [ouer of voog] se groen rsa id dokument of paspoort getoon word! making an appointment two important changes apply from 2014: all new patients will only get appointments AFTER a deposit of R400 is made into our bank account and proof of payment is forwarded to us. o this has been made necessary due to an increasing number of patients staying away without cancelling appointments - this is a waste of our as well as other patient’s time. telephone calls of a medical nature and telephonic consultations, including email, sms and mms messages of a medical nature WILL be treated as consultations and will be charged for at a rate of R600 or at the doctor’s discretion - notwithstanding the length and complexity of these calls. o this has been made necessary due to abuse of this number. in all cases you must call 022 713 5149 during office hours with the following information at hand: name of parent or guardian name and date of birth of patient reason for appointment [routine check-up, cold, inoculation, adhd/attention deficit hyperactive disorder] o especially important for adhd as we book for an extended consultation! medical aid name and number, and if the patient is registered on it [most new- born babies aren’t yet!] house and work telephone numbers [at least one must be a cellular number] there are different ways of getting to us: 1. your child is being referred to us by your general medical practitioner for an illness or situation calling for specialist attention. 2. you bring your child as you are of the opinion the situation calls for specialist attention. remember to arrive 15 minutes early in order to complete all formalities! for an emergency consultation please call 022 713 5149 or 082 846 7046, we will do our utmost to attend to your case - if not at the practice, then at the hospital! in ALL cases the person responsible for the account [parent or guardian] must produce their green rsa id document or passport! SADF/ SAW members ons is ‘n gemagtigde diensverskaffer aan lede van die SA Weermag (vir korrekte prosedure en verwysing kontak jou siekeboeg) We are an authorized service provider to members of the SA Defence Force (for the correct procedure and referral contact your sick bay) Verskafferskode/Suppliers Code V2MX3/April 2011
weskus pediatrie west coast paediatrics since 2010 dr hester van der walt* SPECIALIST/SPESIALIS kinderarts - paediatrician - pediater 21 voortrekkerstraat, vredenburg, 7380 [street and postal address] admin@pediater.co.za
dehydration diarrhoea ontwatering inentings | vaccinations umbilical cord | naelstring nebulization | verstuiwing chickenpox | waterpokkies EMERGENCY |  NOOD PEDIATER 082 846 7046  EMERGENCY ONLY NO TELEPHONIC CONSULTATIONS! consulting hours 09:00-17:00 weekdays tel     - 022 713 5149 office hours no fax - email only! penis & foreskin care SOEK IETS OP ONS WEBWERF SEARCH FOR SOMETHING ON OUR SITE constipation | hardlywigheid moody? headache? listless? bedwetting? ? PLEASE MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR EVERY PATIENT YOU  BRING ALONG AND STATE CLEARLY WHY AS INCREASINGLY  PARENTS SUDDENLY REMEMBER THAT THE PATIENT OR EVEN  ANOTHER KID WHO HAPPENS TO BE PRESENT ALSO SEEMS  TO SUFFER FROM THIS OR THAT, WASTING THE TIME OF  OTHER PATIENTS, DR HESTER AND STAFF! NUUT EN BELANGRIK NEW AND RELEVANT